Six Tips for Improving Air Quality on a Budget


Office spaces can often be stuffy and lack good ventilation. This can lead to several employee health concerns, such as headaches, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Also, poor air quality can result in decreased productivity and absenteeism. The good news is that there are several things you can do to improve the air quality in your office space without breaking the bank. Here are six tips:

Invest in Some Plants

One of the simplest and most inexpensive ways to improve air quality is by investing in some plants. Certain plants, like peace lilies, rubber plants, and snake plants, are great at filtering out harmful toxins like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air. Not only will this help improve the air quality in your office, but it will also add a touch of nature and beautify your space.

Various studies show that plants in your workspace can make you more productive. Employees who work in spaces with natural elements are 15% happier and 6% more productive than those whose offices don’t include any greenery. If you’re looking for a way to restore your focus and attention, consider adding some plants to your office!

Furthermore, NASA found that plants take in dangerous toxins from the air, particularly in rooms with little ventilation. This shows they are excellent air purifiers: inexpensive, natural, and good for your health!

Tip: To enhance memory recall and aid your staff in performing quicker and better, including at least one plant every meter and a half.

Get an Air Purifier

Another easy way to improve air quality is by getting an air purifier. Air purifiers work by drawing in contaminated air and releasing clean air into the room. Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and tobacco smoke are a few of the air pollutants that contribute to bad air quality. Also, humid air allows mold, mildew, various viruses or bacteria, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds), which harm our bodies and tend to rise when humidity is high.

High humidity can cause many problems, such as promoting insect growth, musty odors, and making the room feel unpleasant and stuffy. Because of this excess moisture, you may experience insomnia, headaches, or fatigue. Consider using a portable dehumidifier to help combat these issues caused by high humidity levels indoors. By reducing the moisture content in your home or office space with a dehumidifier, you will simultaneously improve indoor air quality and protect against allergens!

There are several different types of air purifiers on the market, so be sure to research to find one that best suits your needs. Also, ensure one is sized appropriately for the space you want to use. If you don’t need this for a long time, you may opt for portable dehumidifiers for rent to save on costs.

Improve Your Ventilation System

If you have the budget, improving your ventilation system is another great way to improve air quality. This might involve adding additional vents or ventilators or upgrading your HVAC system. However, even something as simple as opening windows regularly can help improve airflow and reduce stuffiness in your office space; this is also a good choice, especially when you’re on a budget. However, this might not be the best option if you live in an area with high traffic or industrial pollution. In that case, consider using a fan to help circulate the air and improve ventilation.

You may also want to have your ducts cleaned regularly, as they can become filled with dust, mold, and other allergens. This can significantly contribute to poor air quality and cause health problems for you and your employees.

Bring in an Air Quality Monitor

An air quality monitor is a great way to track the progress you’re making in improving the air quality of your office space. Air quality monitors measure factors like temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide levels, and other contaminants in the air. This information can help identify what improvements need to be made to improve air quality. Additionally, many models now come equipped with real-time alerts so you can address any issues as they arise. 

Depending on the features you want, an air quality monitor may cost anywhere from $80 to several hundred dollars. If this is within your budget, it’s a one-time expenditure that will give useful data and peace of mind by ensuring that the air quality in your office is improving.

Happy relaxed dreamy young man student hold hands behind head looking away dreaming sit at library desk thinking of new ideas dreaming of inspiration meditate feel stress relief peace of mind concept.

Dust Regularly

Another easy way to improve air quality is by dusting all surfaces regularly—including ceiling fans, light fixtures, desktops, keyboards, and more. Dust collects harmful contaminants like pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and dust mites which can worsen allergies and respiratory problems. Keeping surfaces clean and free of dust buildup can help reduce these health concerns for employees while improving overall air quality.   

Accumulated dust can also lead to clogged ventilation systems, so it’s important to keep this dust-free. To clean your vents, use a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner or hire a professional to do a thorough cleaning.

Encourage Employees to Take Breaks

Finally, encourage employees to take regular breaks throughout the day—even if it’s just for a few minutes. Stepping away from workstations will allow them to move around, stretch their legs, and get some fresh air—both of which will help improve their overall health and well-being while contributing to better air quality in the office space.     

Increasing fresh air will also promote optimal brain function and help you think, focus, and concentrate better. Clean air is essential for our physical and mental health, so it’s important to ensure that the air quality in your workplace is good. Studies have shown that 20% of the oxygen we breathe goes toward powering our brains. By ensuring you have clean air at work, you’re promoting better health for yourself and your employees and boosting productivity.


Improving the air quality in your office space doesn’t have to cost a fortune—there are several simple things you can do that will make a big difference. Investing in some plants, getting an air purifier, improving ventilation, bringing in an air quality monitor, regularly dusting surfaces, and encouraging employees to take breaks can create a healthy and productive environment for all.

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