Ensuring That the House You Are Buying Is Value for Money

house hunting

Buying a forever home requires thorough planning before you close negotiations with the seller. This ensures that you are getting the right value for what you are paying. Homes for sale can come in different types, and some of them may come with issues that you as a buyer may not know about. Therefore, before deciding on a particular house to purchase, consider the following aspects first and see if the house will fit you and your needs.

Electrical Installations

Many first-time homebuyers fail to realize that not all homes for sale are built with a safe electrical installation. Sometimes, the installation could already be too old and outdated. Some others may also be defective, leading to higher electricity bills or, worse, to fires caused by faulty wiring. To make sure that the home you are about to purchase is indeed safe with new or well-maintained electrical installations, ask the seller for an electrical safety certificate. Responsible homeowners or landlords always ensure that they perform a Landlord’s Safety Test or an EICR inspection every five to 10 years. This inspection is carried out by a licensed electrician to guarantee the safety of the people living in the home and to ensure that the home is not susceptible to fires and electric shocks.


Checking out the location of the home you are about to buy can save you a lot of headaches in the future. Remember, parts of the home can be altered, but where the home is located can never be changed. So, before buying any home, take time to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood first. See if the home is located in proximity to major establishments, such as shopping malls, markets, churches, schools, recreation areas, and many other important institutions. See also if it is near major thoroughfares or if it provides easy access to the main roads. Is there too much traffic in the neighborhood? Is the neighborhood safe enough for you and your family? It also helps to try to find the future of such a neighborhood. Does the neighborhood have the potential for developments? All these aspects should be taken into account when planning to purchase a home, especially one with a high price.


The size of the lot and the size of the house itself should also be considered when buying a home. Do you need a bigger lot? Do you want a home with a big yard for your dogs and other pets? Do you want a spacious home where your children can comfortably play around? Homes can come in different sizes, and the lot they are built on may also play a part in the comfort that you may experience once you live in it. Make sure that the home you are buying will be big enough for your entire family’s needs and that the lot where it is located also provides comfort to you and your family.

sold house


How many bedrooms do you prefer to have in your home? A one or two-bedroom home may be enough for small families. However, bigger families may require more bedrooms to house all family members comfortably. You may also want to have a spare room for guests or a room where you can operate a small home office. Feel free to ask the seller or the agent about the different rooms in the house. If you can take a house tour, do so to check whether all the rooms are just right for your needs.


How many bathrooms do you require for a home that you can call your own? Older homes often have one bathroom only, while more modern houses may have two or more bathrooms, some of which are found inside the bedrooms. Do you require a bathroom with a bathtub or shower? Although some homes can be remodeled to include additional bathrooms in the future, it will be an advantage if the home you are buying already has the number of bathrooms you prefer.


You also need to consider the age of the home. Knowing how old the house is may give you an idea of how much renovation you might have to make once you have purchased it. Although some old homes may have been well maintained for the past several years, some issues might be hiding within.

Take time to research the history of the home as well. How many times has it been renovated? Who previously lived in it? Did it have issues in the past?

Taking all these into consideration before making the purchase can help you get the right value in exchange for the money you are paying for. These aspects can be a lot, and investigating all of these can take time and may be daunting. The end results, though, can be fruitful and highly beneficial for you.

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