Commonly Asked Questions When Writing a Will

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Although one’s passing is imminent, discussing one’s mortality is something that almost everyone feels inclined to put off thinking. But doing it an early stage can help avoid strife among loved ones, especially when it comes to distributing your possessions and assets.

Preparing a well-written document won’t help you live a longer life. But it’ll at least leave a record of how you want your money to get allocated. So, here are a few questions that you might want to ask when creating a last and will testament.

What is a last will and testament?

It’s a legal document that records an individual’s final wishes that pertain to his or her assets and dependents. This document outlines the individual’s instructions about what to do with the possessions. Additionally, it also contains whether they want to leave them to a group or another person. The deceased also has the option to donate them to charity. The document can also discuss other factors that he or she holds the responsibility. It can include trust management or dependents’ custody.

Who are your beneficiaries?

When you die, someone will receive your assets and properties. So that you don’t have to worry about such things before you die, choosing your beneficiaries will ensure that everything is in its place. If you are working with an attorney, he or she will help you write your will on your behalf. But if you’re planning to use an online legal site, there will be an area to identify your beneficiaries on the online form.

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Are there any consequences of neglecting to create a last will?

Yes. A person dies intestate if he or she dies without a valid will. It means that the state will become the executor of the assets and properties. When that happens, the state will decide the distribution of the properties. Even more, the state will also determine who’ll receive the payment first. They’ll do it even without recognizing the family’s current circumstances.

Any person related by blood can stake a claim to the deceased’s property. The court can even arrange guardianship based on the best interest of the dead person’s children. Yet, if the court finds the last will testament improperly drafted, it will deem it invalid.

Do I need to be specific about my will?

You need to be clear with every detail of your will as much as possible. Don’t expect that everyone will understand everything that you want. It will only confuse everyone, especially if you have several children. It’s also best to be realistic about the persons who’ll get your assets and properties. For assets that you can’t divide equally, such as car and the house, your estate can sell the assets on your behalf. Thus, ensuring that everyone can have an equal share.

When working on your last will, you need to work with someone who knows a lot about family law. Doing so will help you get helpful pieces of advice. That said, ensuring that your properties and assets will well-managed even after you die.

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