How to Enhance Your Next Business Trip with Bleisure Traveling

In the 21st century, there’s nothing wrong with mixing business with a bit of leisure. It can be the best way to make the most out of your next business trip. By incorporating some fun activities into your travel schedule, you can explore the city you’re visiting, take a day trip to a nearby destination, or just enjoy some well-deserved relaxation.

“Bleisure,” a portmanteau of “business” and “leisure,” is a growing trend among business travelers. And it’s not hard to see why. By adding a few leisure activities to your itinerary, you can return from your trip feeling refreshed and recharged. Here’s how to make the most of your next business trip with bleisure travel:

Tip #1 Get the all-clear from your office

It’s crucial to get the all-clear from your office before making any plans outside of your work obligations. Talk to your boss or supervisor about extending your stay and adding a few bleisure activities to make the most out of your trip.

If you don’t have anything urgent scheduled after your business meetings, you’re more likely to be able to get away with a bit of leisure time. However, if you have to be back at work the next day or have other time-sensitive obligations, you’ll need to focus on getting your job done while you’re on the trip.

That’s why you schedule your bleisure travel ideally. If you know that you’re not needed back at the office immediately after meeting with your international business partners or clients, this would be the best time to use your vacation days.

Tip #2 Make your travel plans in advance

Once you have the all-clear to extend your stay for bleisure traveling, it’s time to start making plans. If you’re flying into a city for business, look into flights with a longer layover or arrive a day early. This will allow you to explore the city before your meetings start.

If you’re driving to your business destination, see if you can take a few extra days off and turn it into a road trip. This way, you can take your time driving and make a few stops along the way to see popular tourist destinations or experience different parts of the country.

No matter how you’re getting to your business destination, making your travel plans in advance is essential. It would also bode well to research the destination ahead of time. This way, you can list the best places to visit and things to do during your free time.

Tip #3 Find a hotel near the action

When you’re booking your hotel for your business trip, try to find accommodations near the city center or popular tourist destinations. This will make it easier for you to get around and see the sights during your bleisure time.

You can use websites like Trivago or Kayak to compare prices and find the best deals on hotels in your destination city. Just be sure to read the reviews before you book to ensure that you’re getting a good value for your money.

It also won’t hurt to look up transportation options in case your company won’t be providing a car to and from your meetings. This way, you can quickly get around town without renting a car and experience another country’s public transport system.

a red bus in motion near the Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster in London

Tip #4 Set aside some time for exploring

When you’re planning your business trip, be sure to set aside some time for exploring the city or taking a day trip. This way, you can make the most of your bleisure time and feel rejuvenated because you’ve had time to breathe.

If you only have a day or two to spare, try to visit some of the city’s famous tourist attractions first. And if you have more time, consider joining a cultural tour of the city or taking a day trip to a nearby town or village. This way, you can learn more about the local culture and see some of the most beautiful places in the country.

The most important thing to remember is not to overdo it. After all, you’re on a business trip, so you’ll still need to be well-rested for your meetings. You need to ensure that you have some downtime in your room or at the hotel’s spa. This way, you can relax and recharge before heading out to explore.

Tip #5 Keep your business and leisure separate

Although you’re mixing business with pleasure, keeping your two worlds separate is a must. You shouldn’t bring work with you when you’re trying to enjoy your free time, and you can’t be planning your leisure activities around your work schedule.

The best way to do this is to list the things you want to do and see in the city. You can easily reference it when you have some free time and ensure that you’re not missing out on anything. And by keeping your worlds separate, you can make sure to keep your professionalism despite being on a bleisure trip.

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to have a successful and enjoyable bleisure trip the next time your business takes you away from home. So don’t miss out on the chance to learn about a new culture or explore a new city — bleisure travel is the perfect way to do it!

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