Urban Farming as a Business: How to Make Money from City-Grown Produce


People are now more interested in a healthier landscape. Cities are known to be polluted, dirty, and cramped. Many desire to live somewhere closer to nature. However, not everyone can afford to move out. Fortunately, there is a way for the urban dwellers to have a piece of nature right in front of them: gardening.

Younger generations, especially, have taken gardening as a hobby. Despite the lack of space, they manage to grow and care for different plants. Many have also started to plant their own produce right in the middle of the city.

Urban farming is, as the name suggests, the practice of cultivating produce in urban areas. When done correctly, it can become a profitable business. Amazingly, the profit margin is higher than regular farming because people living in cities would pay more for organic fruits and vegetables.


Urban farming as a business has been around for quite some time now. In fact, there are those who have been able to make a decent living from it alone. People who want to try their hand at this type of venture should consider following these tips first:

Freshness Matters Most

In regard to selling produce, freshness plays an important role in terms of being popular among buyers. It’s best if you could deliver your products themselves just a few hours after harvest because vegetables and fruits tend to lose their quality fast especially if they’ve been transported for too long.

One of the most important things in urban farming is to use an efficient harvesting process. It would be best if you could harvest your produce just before they begin to rot or wilt because this will give you more time before having them sold to buyers.

It’s also very helpful if your customers are only a few steps away from the harvest site. Doing so would also help your produce stay fresh since they will not get too much sunlight and heat exposure.

Of course, having a greenhouse could get you an extra edge in terms of harvesting. You can plant different kinds of vegetables and fruits all throughout the year so you’ll never run out of stuff to sell.

Alternative Ways of Selling

Traditionally, farmers move their crops through local markets and supply grocery stores. With urban farming, however, you have to be more creative when it comes to moving produce into the hands of your customers.

There are different ways to sell fresh produce in the city. Consumers can opt for subscription boxes where they will receive a selection of fruits and vegetables right at their front doors. You can also join weekend markets where you can sell your items. It’s also more common to sell fresh fruits and vegetables online, through Facebook Marketplace or your own website, for example.

Lastly, you can partner with nearby organic restaurants to supply them with organic produce. This benefits both of you because you get a steady source of income and the restaurant gets to use your produce for marketing to young and health-conscious consumers.

Scaling Up

However, the biggest challenge of urban farming as a business is scaling up. As a small venture, you can grow produce in your own apartment. A vertical garden can house different vegetables and herbs. If you have a yard, you can have a bigger garden where fruits can also thrive.

But, if you want a larger operation, you also need a bigger space. This will be expensive. You might have to look into buying land which, in a city, will cost a lot of money. You should open a bank account for your business and save up to expand.

It will also be helpful to save up for specific farming equipment, like tractors and plows. It would be best if you check out second-hand stores first so you can get your hands on the right tools at the right price.

Although it’s definitely not easy, saving up money is something that any entrepreneur should learn how to do. With a little research and study, you will be able to put together a business plan that will help you achieve your goals.

It takes patience for this type of business to take off and become financially stable. There will be slow days and it could get very frustrating at times, but everything will surely pay off in the end if you’re willing to stick with it. There’s no guarantee that it’ll be successful, of course, but it’s still worth giving it a try.

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