Things in Your Truck Fleet You Need To Check


If you’re new to the trucking business, congratulations! You’re about to embark on an exciting and rewarding journey. But before you get too ahead of yourself, there are a few things you need to check in your truck fleet. These items are essential to your business’s success; neglecting them can lead to costly repairs or accidents.

Tire tread depth and condition

As a trucking business owner, it’s important to regularly check your fleet’s tire tread depth and condition. Tires are one of a truck’s most important components, and ensuring they’re in good condition is essential for keeping your operation running smoothly.

Tire tread depth is particularly important, as it can impact a truck’s traction and braking ability. If tread depth is too low, it can be more difficult for a truck to stop, especially in wet or icy conditions. In addition, low tread depth can also lead to increased wear and tear on tires, which can shorten their lifespan. Regularly checking tire tread depth and condition can help ensure that your trucks are always safe and running efficiently.

Brake pads

Inspecting your fleet’s brake pads helps ensure safety on the road and can save you money in the long run. Brake pads wear down over time, and if they aren’t replaced, they can eventually damage the rotor. Replacing a rotor is much more expensive than replacing a brake pad, so it’s important to catch the problem early.

Fortunately, checking the brake pads is easy to do. Simply remove the wheel and inspect the pads. If they’re less than 1/4 inch thick, you should replace them. By taking this simple step, you can help to keep your trucks on the road and avoid costly repairs.

Rear-end suspension bushings

You should know that your fleet’s rear-end suspension bushings play a vital role in ensuring a smooth ride for your drivers. Bushings are made of a soft material that acts as a cushion between the hard metal parts of the suspension. Over time, these bushings can wear down, causing the ride to become rougher and less comfortable. Additionally, worn bushings can cause the vehicles to handle poorly and lead to premature tire wear. If you suspect that the rear-end suspension bushings of your trucks are worn, it’s important to have them replaced.

Luckily, several great options can provide your fleet with the high-quality rear-end suspension bushings it needs to stay on the road. So don’t wait – if your fleet’s rear-end suspension bushings are starting to show signs of wear, be sure to check them out and get them replaced as soon as possible. Your drivers will thank you for it!

Fuel levels


Checking your fleet’s fuel levels will help ensure that your vehicles are running efficiently and avoid any potential problems on the road. There are a few different ways to check fuel levels, but the most accurate method is to use a dipstick.

First, locate the dipstick and remove it from the engine. Next, wipe the dipstick clean with a cloth or paper towel. Finally, insert the dipstick back into the engine and note where the fuel level is on the stick. If it’s below the full line, it’s time to add more fuel. Checking your fleet’s fuel levels is a simple but important task that will help keep your trucks running smoothly.

Oil changes

To ensure your fleet is well-maintained, regularly changing the oil is one of the most important maintenance tasks you need to do. Oil changes help to remove contaminants and prevent buildup that can damage engine parts.

By changing the oil regularly, you can help extend the life of your truck fleet. Additionally, regular oil changes can improve fuel efficiency, saving you money on fuel costs. For these reasons, it’s essential to ensure your trucks have fresh oil before hitting the road.

Lights and mirrors

As the owner of a trucking business, you are responsible for ensuring that your fleet complies with all federal regulations. Part of this responsibility includes regularly checking the lights and mirrors on your trucks. Unfortunately, many business owners neglect this important task, resulting in big fines.

In addition, poorly maintained lights and mirrors can create safety hazards for your drivers and other motorists. To avoid these problems, take the time to inspect your fleet’s lights and mirrors regularly. If you notice any damage or wear, make sure to repair or replace the affected parts as soon as possible. By taking these simple steps, you can help to keep your drivers safe and avoid costly penalties.

These are just a few of the things you need to keep an eye on in your truck fleet. Once again, remember to check your fleet’s tire tread depth and condition, brake pads, rear-end suspension bushings, fuel levels, lights and mirrors, and ensure the trucks get regular oil changes. By being proactive and taking care of these items regularly, you can avoid expensive repairs or accidents down the road.

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