Healthy Office: Creating A Safe and Sanitary Workplace

two employees greeting each other

If you’re looking to have your employees back in the office, there is something that you need to do before you have them return. And that’s making sure that they have a sanitary, safe, and healthy space to work. The reality is that the pandemic is still not over, and there is still no cure for covid-19. While there are measures to prevent more infections and slow the spread of the virus developed by the world health organization and your local government, these are just the minimum you can do to keep your employees safe. No employee wants to risk their lives by catching the dreaded virus, so it’s your job to make them feel confident that that isn’t the case when they come to work.

Luckily, there are many things you can do to revamp your office and make it a safer and healthier place for everyone. Here are some ways you can explore to do just that.

Regular Scheduled Sanitation

Make sure you have a regular cleaning and sanitizing schedule for your office. You should have these done every day, or at the very least, every other day. All commonly touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected, such as doorknobs, light switches, keyboards, toilets, sinks, countertops, etc. If possible, hire a professional cleaning service to do this for you to ensure that your spaces get sanitized and cleaned correctly.

Also, ensure that there is always a supply of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes for employees to use as needed. Having these sanitation tools available in every room in the office will make it easier for employees to clean and disinfect their work areas when necessary.

Revamp Your Office Layout

If possible, restructure your office layout to encourage social distancing. That may mean having more individual desks instead of cubicles or common areas. If you have meeting rooms, try to make them larger so people can spread out more, or hold virtual meetings whenever possible.

If changing the layout of your office is difficult or impossible, you can make use of dividers between desks or put up signs and floor markers to encourage social distancing. You can also try having employees work shifts to avoid having too many people in the office simultaneously.

Prioritize Ventilation and Air Quality

Viruses love and thrive in stagnant air, so keeping the air in your office moving is essential. While there are the standard methods of leaving the windows open and using air purifiers for better ventilation and indoor air quality, we strongly suggest you work with professionals that provide indoor air quality services instead.

Every office layout is different, and as such, each of them requires specific and strategic air treatment plans. There is a science to how air moves and how well it circulates in your office, and with the help of professionals, you can ensure clean air and good ventilation in every square meter of your office space.

Encourage Good Hygiene Practices

Employee sanitizing her hands

Ensure everyone in the office follows good hygiene practices, such as washing their hands regularly and coughing into their elbows. You may want to put up signs around the office as a reminder.

You should also provide employees with masks and gloves if they want to wear them. In addition, make sure that there is always a supply of soap, hand sanitizer, and paper towels available. Providing these sanitation tools incentivizes them to keep up with their excellent hygiene since they don’t have to worry about buying all these products themselves and carry the burden of added costs.

Be Prepared for Sick Employees

There’s always a chance that an employee could get sick, even with all these preventative measures. So it’s vital to have a response plan for what to do if that happens.

First, you should have a policy in place for employees who are sick. They should know they must stay home and not come into the office until they feel better. You may also want to consider offering paid sick days so that employees don’t feel the need to go to work when they aren’t feeling well.

Second, you should have a plan to disinfect the office if someone gets sick. If you have already opted to partner up with a cleaning service provider, try negotiating an emergency cleaning visit for these instances with them.

Lastly, ensure a good communication plan, so everyone knows what to do if someone in the office gets sick. You can set up a group chat or email an announcement so that everyone gets notified immediately as soon as you find out.

These measures will help create a safe and healthy workplace for your employees. And when your employees feel safe and healthy, they will be more confident in returning to the office and working there. These preventative measures also allow them to become more productive and engaged in their work instead of constantly worrying about catching the virus. So it’s worth taking the time and effort to make these changes in your office because it will significantly benefit your employees and your business.

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