Unconventional Ways of Leveraging Technology to Increase Business Productivity

improve productivity
  • Gamification can be used to motivate employees and increase engagement. 
  • Technology such as gaming PCs and collaboration tools can facilitate gamification.
  • Automation can save time and increase accuracy, scalability, and efficiency.
  • Artificial intelligence can automate complex processes and help decisions based on data. 
  • Leveraging technology can significantly improve productivity and increase business revenue.

In the world of business, productivity is everything. The more productive your team is, your business will be more successful. Technology has been a significant driver of productivity improvements in recent years. 

Although many businesses use technology to increase productivity, there are still some unconventional ways that most businesses aren’t exploring. This blog will explore several unconventional ways to leverage technology to increase productivity.

A person's hands working on financial reports using a laptop with coffee, tablet, calculator, notebook, and eyeglasses around.


Gamification is the process of adding game elements into a non-game context. Creating a game-like atmosphere can motivate your team to work harder and faster. This can be achieved using technology such as leaderboards, badges, and rewards to motivate your team to complete tasks and achieve goals.

Employee Engagement

A Deloitte survey showed that businesses that used gamification experienced an average increase of 41 percent in employee engagement. Gamification can be beneficial in various settings, from the corporate setting to education. By adding game elements, you can make any task more fun and engaging for your team. With gamification, you can also foster collaboration between employees and create a sense of competition that will drive them to succeed.

Gaming PCs

To facilitate gamification, businesses should consider buying modern gaming PCs online. One of the websites that offer gaming PCs is sybergaming.com. The website provides a wide range of devices, including compact machines offering the same performance as full-size PCs.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools have been around for some time now. However, most businesses are not leveraging them to the fullest extent. These tools can help your team work together more efficiently, increasing productivity. Instead of using emails, phone calls, and other traditional methods of communication, collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Trello allow your team to communicate and work together seamlessly.


Slack is a real-time messaging, archiving, and search platform. It allows you to create channels for different topics or teams so everyone can participate in the discussion as new updates and tasks are shared. Slack also offers audio and video calling capabilities so coworkers can stay connected even when they’re not physically in the same place.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an all-in-one collaboration hub that provides chat, video meetings, file storage, and app integration capabilities. It allows you to create a space for project planning and collaboration without emails or physical meetings. Microsoft Teams also enables users to share documents and updates through shared channels or private messages.


Trello is an online project management tool that allows you to create task boards. You can assign tasks, break down projects into smaller steps, and track progress in real-time. Trello also provides a visual dashboard so everyone on the team can stay up-to-date with project status.


Automation is one of the most significant technological advances people have witnessed in recent years. By automating repetitive tasks, businesses can save time and increase productivity. You can leverage automation to simplify your work processes by streamlining repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoicing, and customer service.

Improve Accuracy

Automation can also improve accuracy in various tasks, including data analysis and complex decision-making. Additionally, automation can potentially reduce human error and eliminate manual labor, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on higher-value activities. With the right tools and strategies, businesses can leverage automation to help drive success.

Increase Scalability

Automation is also an excellent way to increase scalability and boost efficiency. By automating certain processes, businesses can quickly ramp up production without hiring additional employees or investing in new equipment. This makes it much easier for businesses to keep pace with customer demands and changing market conditions.

A person's finger touching the finger of a robot depicting artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is becoming more prominent in business. You can automate complex processes such as data analysis, customer service, and lead generation by leveraging AI. By utilizing AI, you can improve your team’s productivity by reducing their time on menial tasks, allowing them to focus on tasks requiring human expertise.

Data-Based Decisions

AI can also be used to make decisions based on data. AI algorithms can learn the patterns and relationships between variables by analyzing large datasets. This allows companies to quickly identify trends and develop strategies more efficiently. Additionally, AI can help businesses better understand their customers by gaining insights into their behavior and preferences.

The use of technology in the business world is significant. Businesses that leverage technology will be at a significant advantage over those that don’t. This blog explored a few unconventional ways to leverage technology to increase productivity. Implementing these techniques can take your business’s productivity to the next level.

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