Embracing Diversity: The Business Case for Disability Hiring

man with disability working
  • Disability hiring brings diverse perspectives, fostering innovation and creativity within the company.
  • Inclusive hiring practices create a positive workplace culture and improve employee morale.
  • Disabled individuals offer an untapped talent pool, enhancing the skill set within your team.
  • Companies that value inclusivity and diversity often benefit from increased employee loyalty and productivity.
  • Beginning disability hiring can be achieved through training, utilizing resources, making accommodations, and conducting evaluations.

Disability hiring is an important topic that more companies are considering. Americans with disabilities are just as capable and talented as other job candidates, and they offer unique skills and perspectives that can benefit any company. Here’s what you need to know about disability in the U.S., how hiring disabled individuals can affect your business, and how you can go about it.

Disability in The U.S.

It’s estimated that about 42 million Americans — almost 17 percent of the population — have a disability. Although many disabilities are visible, such as physical or intellectual impairments, many others may not be immediately apparent. A person with mental health issues, chronic pain, an autoimmune disorder, or any other invisible disability is just as likely to need accommodations and reasonable adjustments in the workplace to do their job effectively. Here are some reasons to hire disabled individuals in your business:

1. Diverse Perspectives

By hiring disabled Americans, you bring diverse perspectives and experiences into your company. This can help in many ways, including fostering innovation and creativity. Disabled individuals often have to navigate the world in unique ways, which can lead to different ways of thinking and problem-solving. By having a diverse workforce, you’ll be able to tackle problems from many angles and create a more inclusive and thriving environment.

Disabled employee at work

2. Inclusive Culture

Making your company more inclusive can create a more positive and productive workplace culture. Disabled Americans often face challenges in the job market, and by hiring them, you can create a culture that values their contributions and supports them in their work. This can improve morale and lead to a more engaged and committed team.

3. Access to Untapped Talent

Hiring disabled Americans means you have access to a talent pool many companies overlook. This is even more important now because of the labor shortage. Disabled individuals are often highly skilled and can bring unique insights and perspectives to your team. By opening up your company to a broader range of job candidates, you can find the best people for the job, regardless of disabilities.

4. Increased Loyalty

Employees who feel valued and supported are often more loyal and committed to their work. By making your company a more inclusive and welcoming environment, you can create a sense of loyalty and commitment in your team. This benefits your employees and your bottom line, as greater loyalty often leads to improved productivity and performance.

5. Multiple Benefits

Hiring disabled Americans can have multiple benefits beyond just creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Many states offer tax incentives and other benefits to companies that hire disabled individuals. Additionally, companies prioritizing disability hiring often see improved public perceptions and reputations. By hiring disabled individuals, you can show that your company values diversity and is committed to doing the right thing.

How to Get Started

There are various ways you can get started in doing this. Here are four ways to do that:

Training employees


The first step is to get your HR into training. The Americans With Disabilities Act Training covers various topics related to the recruitment, interviewing, and hiring of individuals with disabilities. Training can help ensure your hiring practices are fair and inclusive and that your team is following the law about disability.


There are many resources available for employers looking to hire disabled individuals. This includes listing job postings on disability-focused job boards, attending virtual career fairs and events, and taking advantage of government tax incentives. Utilizing the resources available will help you find the best candidates for your job openings.


The law requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled employees so they can do their jobs effectively. It may be helpful to consult with an ADA specialist or disability rights lawyer when making accommodations. They can help ensure that you are meeting the needs of your disabled employees and providing them with the support they need to be successful in their roles.


It’s important to evaluate how well your company is doing to hire and retain disabled individuals. Surveying your team regularly can help assess how inclusive your workplace is and what areas need improvement. Additionally, tracking progress over time can help you understand the impact of your disability hiring initiatives and ensure that your efforts are paying off.

While it may seem like a lot of work to start disability hiring, the benefits far outweigh the effort. By making your business accessible and inclusive for disabled Americans, you can create an environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated — and that’s always worth the effort.

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